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Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning

Photo from Pixabay

About Me : I started teaching 4 years ago and as I worked through the curriculum I constantly found myself realizing that I missed several competencies throughout the year. This wasn’t the case with just one subject but what seemed like every subject. How does one manage to teach all concepts and competencies within the year to all students at a sufficient level? I knew there had to be a better way. I reached out to district level coaches and learned about cross-curricular teaching. I discovered that subjects areas weren’t separate but in fact overlapped by teaching literacy concepts during science lessons or teaching mathematical concepts during social studies lessons. I found when I started to dig deeper for myself into what the curriculum meant to me my students in return had increased engagement, excitement and practical understandings of what we learning within the classroom.


Some things I’ve learned so far:

Cross-curricular teaching is not a new concept; in fact, it has been researched and developed since the before the 1990’s. In both Denis

Photo from Pixabay

Haye’s 2010 article The Seductive Charms of Cross-Curricular Approach and Robert J Marzano’s 1991 article Fostering Thinking across the Curriculum through Knowledge Restructuring the inherent need for cross curricular teaching was born from the lack of higher level thinking demonstrated by students. This concern was brought to the government level in both Hayes and Marzano’s articles which highlights that there were fundamental aspects of education that were missing from the current system. Despite these articles being 20 years apart, they both still note that simply teaching content isn’t enough of an education to create a holistic and well around citizen of society. Hayes argues “[a]s children are continually on a self-discovery tour, it is essential for them to know who they are, how they should best relate to others and their role as ‘world citizens’, rather than just being able to reach academic targets” (p. 386). To aid this, cross-curricular teaching focuses on concepts such as meaning, peer projects, higher level thinking, student lead interests, inquiry, themes and issues. It allows students to take control and defend their thinking about the content as opposed to simply regurgitating information that was given to them. Marzano states “that for knowledge to be restricted and higher level thinking fostered, students must use knowledge within tasks over which they have some control and which match personal goals or needs” (p.519). Cross-curricular learning allows for this to happen by providing student choice and peer interaction. Not only are they learning the content required of their grade level, but they are learning skills such as time management, organization, communication and compromise which are concepts that are hidden within the curriculum. So why is it not done in every classroom?


Reference List:

Hayes, D. (2010). The Seductive Charms of a Cross-Curricular Approach. Education 3-13, 38.(4), 381-387.                                                                                                         DOI: 10.1080/03004270903519238

Marzano, J. Robert. (1991). Thinking and Learning Across the Curriculum through Knowledge Restructuring. Journal of Reading, 34. (7), 518-                           525.






As an elementary school teacher, technology has had a tendency to be a focus of the teacher versus the students. A reason for this is because educational technology trends change so quickly that it is difficult to keep up. Also, it can be difficult to teach young students how to use technology in specific ways. More often than not, children are able to navigate technology through video game play. However, when it comes to using a source they are not familiar with it takes time to teach and learn. Something as simple as typing properly can take a large amount of time to teach and thus the debate of necessity arises.

In reading this weeks articles I found that the model of TPACK spoke more towards how I view technology as a third grade teacher. This model outlines the connections between technology, pedagogy and content knowledge. When integrating technology into the classroom one must ask the purpose for it. So when we combine technology as a way to teach content and improve our pedagogy it becomes more simplistic than overwhelming. In thinking about this model, I start to think about how I have integrated technology into my classroom. Technology has served as a tool within reading such as listening to stories that would otherwise not be available to students. It is also used in mathematics where students are able to play games that cover a variety of concepts as opposed to the paper and pencil games also provided.

Koehler and Mishra 2009, used the best example for explaining the multi use of technology by comparing it to whiteboards.

“For example, consider how whiteboards may be used in classrooms. Because a
whiteboard is typically immobile, visible to many, and easily editable, its uses in
classrooms are presupposed… However, it would be incorrect to say that there is only one way in
which whiteboards can be used. One has only to compare the use of a whiteboard in a
brainstorming meeting in an advertising agency setting to see a rather different use of
this technology.”

The SAMR model however offers the view that technology serves varying purposes. It allows us to think of the uses of technology and how learning can occur within each use. Technology is either a replacement for a traditional activity or the learning comes from the technological activity itself. Other then the breakdown of each use, the SAMR model failed to provide enough examples that would lead me to use the model within elementary school teaching. All the examples were from higher level education making me question its ability to be effective in lower grades.

What? So What? Now What?

The hands represent my students, the paint the messiness of learning and the heart represents my passion for teaching.

(What?) My teaching story:

In my first year of teaching I was essentially given a position within the first week of school and handed a classroom with no decorations, no real experience other than my practicum and volunteer work and really no direction of where to go. All of a sudden all the learning I had acquired slipped away and all that was left was me and twenty three children that I was responsible for. The feeling of being overwhelmed and unprepared crept into my head. Then I was approached by Kim Cline whose position within the district was to instruct on literacy and math skills. She stepped into my classroom, saw the sheer look of panic in my eyes and guided me towards learning practices I had never knew existed. She taught me about interviews and formal assessments, about what learning truly looks like and how to encourage collaboration. She was my savoir, mentor and inspiration. I thought to myself, I want to be that person for someone one day. Thus, I decided to start my masters journey.

So What?

When I started the course on research methods, I honestly wondered why it was important? However, in having taken the course I now realize that I have been ignorant towards the importance of research within education. I always wondered where people got these amazing ideas from? It was from research. Educators take the time to seek best practices that provide evidence of it’s effectiveness. It also allows for educators to see both the strengths and struggles of different ways of learning. Research is not just searching Pinterest for hours on end. Instead, it is a necessity to understand why and how something is or is not effective. My perspective on research has drastically changed for the better.

These paint brushes illustrate my willingness to try a variety of things as an educator in order to narrow down my passion into a singular focus.

In going through the course I found that there are some research methods I struggle understanding  the application within the classroom. However, I have learned that the research techniques that best align with my practice are the ones that I use in my everyday practice. Although, I was unaware that I was using research methods. There are research methods that had me highlighting what seemed like almost every line. I hung off the words of Mary McAteer in the chapter Action Research in Education in her book Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models, 2013, where she highlights that reflection is not a mundane activity that educators do but instead is something that should be acted upon. When I now think of research I think of what Adrienne Gear once said during a presentation, that learners need to understand the importance of what we are teaching by asking the what, so what and the now what? The now what refers to the direction and action we take after we have learned something. This directly correlates for me to action research. I as the reader and researcher,  I read for comprehension, then making it meaningful to me and finally produce something from it.

Furthermore, in reading the article Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework by Alicia O’Cathain, 2010, I have begun to understand the difference between the qualitative and the quantitative research methods and what each one offers. In learning this I realized that my teaching pedagogy aligns more with the qualitative research as it lends itself more to the relationship between educator and student as opposed to the statistic numerical data of what a student can produce. Yet, in being critical of both my practice and qualitative methods I recognize that there are parts of quantitative methods can allow me to track trends within my classroom that can inform what and how I teach.

The paint brush represents my willingness to learn and the QR code is the implementation of technology.

Also, when considering what parts of my practice can be improved, I always wondered how technology could be better integrated. I was concerned that the majority of my course might revolve around high school students when exploring social media that would exclude purpose to elementary students. I couldn’t imagine using social media within my classroom because it would be a logistical nightmare that I would have no idea how to navigate. Nor could I see past how technology could be used beyond the simple Google research. Once again, I was wrong, which I am thankful for.


Although technology may be utilized differently within an elementary space, it can offer a way to share learning. In my classroom I have traditionally used apps for math games or coding but I also use an app called Seesaw which allows me to post photos and videos of students and their work to their parents directly. I recognize now that social media is not just isolated to apps such as Facebook and Instagram, but that it broadens towards apps where educators have more control of what is being posted and who is seeing it. I am not yet willing to explore platforms such as Twitter with my students simply because I do not yet know enough about it. I also believe that Twitter is a platform where less control is given to the user. As an educator I see the positive community that can be built but I am unconvinced that it has a place in my classroom right now.

The paint splatter represents the messiness of learning but the exciting outcome that can arise.

Within this course the most important thing that I have learned is that it is the educators responsibility to know how technology informs their students. It is not simply about using technology but using it as a vehicle to provide purposeful learning within a classroom environment. I also have recognized that technology can bridge communities together when there is a perceived geographical divide. Through this I feel encouraged to explore the opportunities to connect my students with educators, students and professionals both near by and far away. It can provide a new and engaging tool to display students learning of content. I no longer fear what I do not know when using the internet but have developed critical skills to know how to effectively and appropriately use it as an educator. Although, I am not blind to the understanding that these skills will need continued exploration and learning.

                                                     Now what?

These footprints represent the path I will take on this learning journey and the positive impact I hope to make.

Through all this revelation I have come to the conclusion that when I am passionate about something it is obvious because I generally do not stop talking about it. I have continually circled around the idea of project-based learning and inquiry. I want to know what are the strengths and struggles that educators have with concepts such as Genius hour? When it is being implemented what are the necessary steps and expected failures that can occur? I want to research a variety of perspectives and learn how to properly assess students through the qualitative research method. In addition, when using Genius hour or a similar concept, I want to learn about how to teach in a cross-curricular model. How can I navigate various subjects? Can I use an overarching theme in order to guide the years instruction and then go deep with that idea? Or is that me taking the drivers seat again? I want to explore the idea of breaking down the traditional walls of teaching and capturing inspiration without concern for timelines. Moving forward I want to research and learn how to effectively implement these concepts into my classroom. I want to explore how to teach with an overarching theme over an entire year and dig deep with the concept and to find research that supports or negates that as best practice. I seek to know what an effective Genius hour is comprised of and what research methods I can find to provide evidence towards its use. I also want to learn how I can use technology to display and further students understanding in these areas. While investigating these ideas I hope to be able to better teach various concepts even if I do not have all the knowledge. I want to struggle through these messy concepts and make it meaningful for myself to be the best teacher I can be.

Photo Citations:

Photo 1: “the love for paint” by Jamie Buscemi’s pics is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

Photo 2: “Brushes” by Simoubuntu is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Photo 3: “_MG_0946” by Denis Vahrushev is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

Photo 4: “splattered paint on a post box” by anitakhart is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Photo 5: “Brevard Zoo. Viera FL” by Rusty Clark ~ 100K Photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

Think outside the box! Project Based Learning, Technology and Physical and Health Education can you believe it? Assignment #2 568

How can technology be integrated into a course such as physical education when the two components seem to be at odds with one another? Technology may be seen as a sit down and absorb information activity. In comparison physical and health education appears to display learning through various movements. How does an educator bridge the divide? The article Pedagogical uses of Technology in Physical Education by Susana Juniu (2011) suggests that the preconceived notion of the separation derives from an educators lack of knowledge about how to effectively use technology. I resonate with this because when I first started teaching, technology seemed like a black hole of information. If I was unable to navigate it then how could I possibly teach it to my students? It was something that was better left alone than engaged with in case something went wrong. Yet, Instructional Planning Activity Types as Vehicles for
Curriculum-Based TPACK Development by Judi Harris & Mark Hofer (2009), outlines an important piece of the puzzle in that “instructors should choose the appropriate educational technology after identifying the learning goals and developing the learning activities, rather than planning the instruction around them (p.3)”. In reading this, I realized that technology is not meant to take the place of the teacher. Instead, it is a tool that can be used to display students learning in comparison to the traditional model. If teachers can have an understanding of a few technological tools, in collaboration with their comprehension of learning goals, then technology becomes a vehicle of learning.

Juniu’s, 2011, article focuses on teaching physical educators how to implement technology effectively into their classes. It seeks to have preservice teachers use the project-based learning framework to explore technological implementation. The study outlines how the projects are meant to emulate real-life situations in which they could apply various technological tools within their teaching. Essentially, the idea was to have the educators apply theoretical knowledge and put it into a practical situation. The findings are that when navigating project-based learning, also known as PBL, the “instructional approach not only allows the students to gain technological skills through a collaborative activity but helps them apply this experience to the “problem” of how to find the best balance of technology and pedagogy in their teaching” (Juniu, p. 48). The idea of balance can be explored in the chapter Action Research in Education Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models in the book Action Research in Education by Mary McAteer, 2013. I am reminded of this article due to the fact that it is the responsibility of the educator to reflect in a purposeful manner. Balance to me means incorporating new ways of learning into previous teaching philosophies. Thus, in order to integrate technology and PBL into physical and health education, the educator would need to understand the content from various points of view. When seeking further understanding educators could use the practice of action research where the purpose is to “[enable] professionals to understand their practice better, and use that enhanced understanding in order to effect changes in practice” (McAteer, p. 3).

The possibility of PBL, technology and physical and health education being successfully integrated together is an idea that excites me. I have always been a competitive person, mostly due to my participation in sports such as softball and dance. This competitive drive was something I took pride in all throughout my education and it is what pushes me to seek different ways of teaching. One problem that I continued to face as both a student and educator is the idea of curriculum subjects being separate from one another. I could not find avenues, or did not understand how to find avenues that interrelated my passions. How can we as educators teach curriculum in a cyclical model that does not exclude subjects but embraces cross-curricular concepts when elementary school teachers are taught as generalists versus specialists?  Juniu, 2011, states that “[e]ducators are models to students, and to be models of innovation they need to experience educational innovation in their own preparation” (p. 48). In going through my teacher education program, we were allotted two weeks of physical education training. I only graduated from that program only three years ago, so why is so little importance put on physical and health education training when it can be an intimidating subject for teachers? Juniu recognized that physical education can provide a difficult circumstance in that it is not taught in the everyday classroom but an entirely different space such as the gymnasium or outside. Thus, physical education is a curricular area not known by many, unless enthusiastically explored previously, and taught within a variety of spaces. This idea alone presents challenges to teachers, then with the addition of technology, it’s no wonder there might be a perceived divide.

In thinking about this concept of integrating PBL into physical and health education I am reminded of the article Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching by Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller and Richard E. Clark, (2006), where they speak to idea that when we introduce problem-based learning it cannot be a fully hands off approach from the teachers role. Instead, scaffolding should be given where students work with previously learned knowledge. PBL, in physical and health education, might develop the way teachers effectively teach and assess this subject. For example, when teaching about the concepts of game play it is important to consider the rules and the objective of the game. This area might be further explored through PBL by having students create their own game consisting of rules from popular sports such as football or baseball. Thus, the educator allows for the individuals understanding versus the traditional fitness testing. Furthermore, when using technology and PBL within physical and health education could the use of social media be an advantage?  An example may be them videoing themselves dancing or explaining a part of a game that they are learning or have created. This might allow for a deeper and possibly more meaningful connection to concepts explored in this subject. However, it is the the educators due diligence to ensure safety, transparency and to ensure that policy guidelines are being met by their employer.

What if we took the lens that Juniu (2011) provides, that we need to teach the married approach of “practical knowledge of technology tools with a pedagogical understanding of how technology can support problem solving and enhance collaborative learning” (p. 45). Will there be further engagement in physical and health education from each individual within the class? Could there become a deepened understanding of play based sport and the technical aspects of psychical and health education? In embracing this model we might see that there is a shift in student perspective where they no longer view success to be determined by only athletic experience and physical development. Instead, students might may develop the understanding and appreciation for the critical life skills that are being taught. What would be the learning and cross curricular opportunities if PBL became apart of how we teach this subject? If all educators started to take the perspective that physical and health education is an vital aspect of student learning, could the increase in importance of physical and health education throughout a population be affected? When considering how technology can shift our view of teaching Raj Dhingra at TedX provides an interesting stance.

What can be the effects of changing our view of teaching? 

Picture Reference List In order:

“PICT0018” by BAMCorp is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“montana-4” by rxb is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“2015-07-15c Things I would like to think, write, and talk about in the future — index card #learning” by sachac is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Track Separation” by mikecogh is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“longhorn baseball” by Sherri Barras is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Do research, take action! Assignment #1 515

In reading about the various types of research, it has been difficult for me to determine where I stand as a researcher. I never thought of myself a researcher because I didn’t realize what I was doing was research. I simply considered myself as only a teacher. However, this article has enlightened me to the fact that I have actually been doing research although at a surface level.  I am noticing that as I read more and more research articles I lean towards qualitative research methods specifically because I don’t use quantitative methods of assessment very often within my classroom. Qualitative aligns with my pedagogy because it is a relational approach. Throughout all the research I have read in these last few weeks, I have yet to find one that holistically aligns with who I am as a teacher (and now a researcher).

value and action

“value and action” by palooja is licensed under CC BY 2.0

In the book, Action Research in Education Chapter Title “Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models” Mary McAteer outlines the fundamental difference between the everyday inherent reflection used by educators and the action driven reflection within action research. I have long battled with the idea of teachers being stagnant, rolling out the same lessons year after year. This chapter, has helped me to understand that action-research can help to solve the problems that educators face. Mary McAteer states “…action research is predicated on the concept of a more critically reflective practice, which challenges the teacher to move beyond the ‘normal’ evaluation of practice to more problematising approach; one which raises questions, and seeks alternative perspectives” (McAteer., 2013, p.4). This resonates with me as a researcher because when I research a concept or idea, it will be important to look at conclusions that oppose with my own beliefs. In doing this, I should be able to redefine my perceptions by either strengthening my beliefs or allow me to shift my thinking to ensure I am always seeking best practice.

In thinking about myself as a researcher and what sparks my interest in researching, McAteer provides an important insight that teachers simply “[hope] that they will be taught new and better ways of doing, and can initially find it both frustrating and challenging to be told that there is no quick-fix solution on offer” (McAteer., 2013, p. 5). This as a reader was eye opening, as it highlighted the fact that teachers are so often bogged down in their everyday responsibilities that they want the band-aid solution to the problem. The issue with this concept is that it doesn’t force educators to research a variety of solutions and it also erasers the opportunity for the solution to be meaningful. The irony of this is that educators continually ask their students to dig deep and find connections to what their learning as opposed to providing surface level answers, yet educators might not do this themselves due to time constraints. However, education has a vast amount of areas that require improvement and without the due diligence of teachers to address the issues and inquire for solutions, the education system, along with teaching becomes a linear, ineffective learning space.

McAteer provides a variety of models and schematics to illustrate different ways to view action research. Figure 2.2 is more linear in terms of its representation, Figure 2.1 is simple and aligns more with what I have been taught as a reflective teacher. In using either model, McAteer describes the “cyclic nature of action research, the outcomes of each cycle informing the development of the next” (McAteer., 2013, p. 7). This idea of teaching in a cyclical way is one that I have been grappling with within teaching. For some students and teachers, it appears that learning is simply learn and explain. Whereas I believe that learning is cyclical and interactive in nature. Instead, this chapter has solidified the concept that as a researcher and educator that ideas are never finished, that they can be redefined, challenged, solidified and developed further. After being affirmed by this notion McAteer also brings to light an issue that I struggle and may continue to struggle with at times. The idea of confidence in ones own research. Due to the fact that I currently align more with qualitative research I find the idea of objectivism to be unobtainable. If I am going to conduct research that seeks to identify a problem within my teaching then the use of my own experiences is a key competent to that. I agree with McAteer that, “many teachers base their teaching on experiential learning approaches, and acknowledge the importance of the attitudinal and affective responses of these approaches, it would be difficult to imagine them describing knowledge of and in the classroom as objective, value free and not strongly bound up in the individuals involved” (McAteer., 2013 p. 13).

No hands up

“No hands up” by warrick1 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0