I have been learning about the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER’s) and online platforms such as MOOC’s. MOOC’s are available online courses that anyone can take that doesn’t cost any money. The essential discussion that has been brought to my attention about these concepts is the idea of money. Where does one get the money to fund a program such as a MOOC? Given that these courses and resources are free, it stands that no one truly profits off of them? In a society so driven by money, is it possible that these online platforms could become as common as traditional classes? When I say traditional classes I mean specifically the face-to-face classrooms. These concepts are hard for me to wrap my mind around because I am a teacher within a traditional setting. The thought of not having to pay to further my education, or not coming out of my undergrad with little to no debt is a very enticing idea. I simply cannot wrap my head around how these programs will be funded. These programs seem to be short lived because the economy runs off of money so the idea of “free” education seem more like a fantasy than reality. Although, I believe that these course could provide a lot of good to people, especially those who can’t afford the education at a post secondary level.  In class we discussed how other countries provide free education at all levels but in order to pay for this, the every day person pays higher taxes. It makes me wonder, whether their societies benefit more from having citizens who are better education through their free education? It’s difficult to say whether money will continue to be the driving force of our education system or could it transform into online learning platforms.